Hi there!!! I’m Rafael Pinho de Morais. I hold a PhD in Economics from the Toulouse School of Economics and a Law degree from the Rio de Janeiro State University, the same institution where I’ve been a junior professor of Economics since 2012.

Research interests: Sustainability, Sectoral Regulation; Antitrust; Competition Policy; Industrial Organization; Law and Economics; Political Economy; Public Finance. Public Policy, Pharmaceutical Innovation, .

Topics of Interest: Intellectual Property, Innovation, Sustainability, Pharmaceuticals, Public Procurement, Black Markets, Transit and Paratransit, Impeachment Rules, Knowledge investment in firms, B Corporations, Social Currencies, Crowdfunding, Impact Investment, Climate Change, Education and Social Inclusion.

Currently (2021) I am:

  • a junior professor of Economics at the Department of Economic Analysys of the Rio de Janeiro State University (FCE-UERJ), one of the 10 best Brazilian universities according to several national and international rankings.
  • a permanent member of the Doctoral Program in Economics at UERJ.
  • a member of the coordinating group of the Program 2030 Agenda at UERJ, UERJ at the 2030 Agenda, attached to UERJ’s dean office.
  • a “Young Scientist from Our State” grant holder awarded by Faperj for my project “Medicines: the struggle between Access and Innovation” (2019-2022).
  • a member of an “Emerging Research Groups of the State of Rio de Janeiro” supported by a Faperj grant. The project is called “Models of Game Theory, Contracts and Applied General Equilibrium : a quantitative approach”. My contribution to this collective project is in the area of economic modeling of Sustainability (2019-2022).
  • a member of the research project “Impact Assessment of the use of local Social Currencies in Brazil” supported in a CNPq call for Social Technologies.. I held a CNPq extension grant in 2019.

Besides, since the pandemic I decided to cause social and environmental impact myself. Since 2020 I have taken part in the ideation and implementation coordination of ambitious impact projects @futurushub @futurusinfancia e www.aduba.org – all focused on the most vulnerable ones, especially children.

CV lattes (in Portuguese)                   CV in English           Contact: rpinhodemorais@gmail.com